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  • Writer's pictureAnna

Episode 16 Can Cuckolding Make or Break a Marriage?

One night, over a very nice red or two, we told a very dear friend of ours that we were seriously researching #cuckolding, and looking for a #bull. He nodded. After a few moments, he asked,

"Not that I am judging you, in any way, but are you sure that this is a good idea? I mean, what if you, Anna, get too attached to one of these bulls?"

"Oh, that won't happen! I love David, and it's just sex."


But our friend had a point. What if? The best laid plans of mice, men, and Cuckoldresses can go awry. Woman makes plans, and the goddesses laugh and laugh.

Despite my efforts to avoid extremely compatible men, and just going for the beefcake (as long as he can talk, share a joke and respect my husband) what if I suddenly look into his eyes and find myself drowning in them?


As a couple we thought we communicated a lot. Every day, without fail, also because we spent so much time together, we talked and talked. We talked about our businesses, our children, our families, our future life goals and plans. But we didn't talk about us.

We spent so much energy on talking about everything else; we omitted to spend any energy on us.


It was only when we attempted to avoid the usual topics, and restrict our discussions to our relationship, that we realised we had either assumed a lot of our spouse's understanding or our recollections of past conversations varied. With our mutually agreed promise to avoid point scoring or blaming, we tackled our issues. TABOO SUBJECTS

Instead of accommodating the usual herd of elephants in the room, we discussed each one and over several very late nights and a few bottles of red; we put each one to bed with a renewed understanding of each other.

The conversations got easier and easier as we let go of old resentments and misunderstandings.


When I look back, I am sure now that our friend's concerns were very prophetic. Without the closeness that we have now, I am sure that resentment would have more time and air to grow and become the death knell of our marriage.

Neither of us would have ever admitted that we were drifting apart so much, but when we look back, with the closeness we have now, it was happening...and we were not doing enough to stop it. With a new understanding and a deeper feeling of love and respect, my husband can give me the emotional support I need, and I for him. Instead of cuckolding driving us apart, we have found that it has helped us find each other again. Instead of being a sticking plaster keeping us together, cuckolding has brought us together and given us a mutually titillating enhancement to our newly discovered middle-aged sex life.

Listen below for more...

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Louis Lombardo Jr
Louis Lombardo Jr
Jul 06, 2021

i want to thank you very much Anna-you should feel good about yourself- you took a hard case hard ass and helped me turn around and become a better me thru your podcast. So chalk it up as you made a difference in someones life. In my life. So again I say thank you and keep up the great work. A bog Fan


Louis Lombardo Jr
Louis Lombardo Jr
Jul 06, 2021

i am seriously considering perhaps going to look into this more on a hands on way-thinking about it but my age i am worried about-older now and i am not a natural cuckold as i have more of a bull persona


Louis Lombardo Jr
Louis Lombardo Jr
Jul 06, 2021

I figured that played a role in it


Louis Lombardo Jr
Louis Lombardo Jr
Jul 03, 2021

i enjoyed this very much as i see you two are good together and I hope you two all the happiness and hope you always stay together as i know how painful it is when things don't work out as i know when marriages end it is the death of Love which is always a Tragedy when love dies and ends. I have listened to all your Podcast and understand things much better now and respect you both. i have learned about myself and one thing hasn't changed for me is that i am not a cuckold as i believe one is perhaps born a cuckold as it is part of who one is- submissive vs alpha-one is usually one…

Jul 05, 2021
Replying to

Yes, most definitely. It’s an arrangement. Humans have been doing it for years to maintain marriages and keep the family money protected and intact for the heirs to inherit.

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